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Hybrid teaching - technical scenarios in the attendance teaching

Various scenarios are available for the lectures with attendance as part of hybrid teaching.  In the lecture halls with a control room, the support of the IT service center is necessary.

Presence teaching in lecture halls with a control room
Lecture Halls: Audimax, H24, H18, H15

    • Recording
      The recording is made available via the control room on Panopto.
    • Video conference
      The event can be held via zoom in the form of a video conference. The students can be seen and heard live in the lecture hall via Zoom.

    These two scenarios have to be supported by an ITS Hiwi and implemented on-site. The ITS can therefore cover a maximum of 40 lecture series (2 SWS) per lecture week.

    Requests for the director's streams must be submitted to mms@uni-bayreuth.de by 12.10. stating the expected number of online participants.

    Presence teaching in lecture halls and seminar rooms without a control room
    All seminar rooms and lecture halls except Audimax, H24, H18, H15

      In the following technical scenario, no cameras and no microphones for recording or video conferencing are installed in the room. However, the lecturers can use the presentation laptop they have brought along to make a recording or video conference themselves. For better video and audio quality, a total of 25 portable videoconferencing systems are available in the multimedia lending department of the IT Service Center.

      If you would like to rent a portable video conferencing system, please contact the ITS multimedia rental service at​ mm-ausleihe@uni-bayreuth.de.

      Verantwortlich für die Redaktion: Oliver Gschwender